Election 2024

How schools could be at the centre of Labour’s Sure Start 2.0 plan

New IFS findings will boost the calls for Labour to revive its once flagship policy, says Ed Dorrell. He…

John Dickens
Ed Dorrell

No more SENDCos. The role needs a new title and status

‘Coordinator’ simply doesn’t reflect the demands, responsibilities and importance of the role in today’s school system

JL Dutaut
Mike Ion

How to help autistic pupils take control of their own mental health 

Six simple strategies to support pupils with autism to manage their own mental health and thrive in any school…

JL Dutaut
Nuala Flewett


Ensuring quality and sustainability in SEND Provision

Additional funding for SEND places is very welcome – but we must ensure it is deployed as part of…

JL Dutaut
Michael McCarthy and Robert Bell

Tik Tok Maths: Can social media help children clock algebra?

We need all the allies we can get to make maths cool to young people, but consuming videos has…

JL Dutaut
David Thomas

Solutions. Five ways to increase attendance at primary school

Solutions to the attendance crisis are a matter of supporting children and families through policies and practices

JL Dutaut
Lisa Pigg

We get reduced timetables wrong. Here’s how to get them right

Interpretation of the DfE’s attendance guidance too often puts the school’s needs first and fails to deliver what anxious…

JL Dutaut
Steve Bladon
The Knowledge

What do we really know about ‘managed moves’?

A new report sheds light on the practice of managed moves and calls for urgent government action to improve…

JL Dutaut
Whitney Crenna-Jennings

Why every MAT needs a stakeholder report

What began as part of our communication strategy has grown to be fundamental to how we foster belonging and…

JL Dutaut
Paul Harris

Must Read

The Knowledge

The Knowledge. How to ensure CPD has classroom impact

Opportunities to recombine learning in novel contexts are just as important as ‘chunking’ professional development in the first place,…

JL Dutaut
Dr Sam Sims and Dr Briony Banks
The Knowledge

The Knowledge. How can we close the political engagement gap?

A new study reveals inequalities in the development of political engagement and offers policies to close the gap

JL Dutaut
Bryony Hoskins

Beyond behaviour: A roadmap to practices for social betterment

A new programme aims to navigate schools out of the dead-end behaviour debate and towards a holistic approach to…

JL Dutaut
Beth Hardie and Charles Drew



Degree apprenticeships are key to increasing and diversifying recruitment

Work to deliver the new qualification should continue at pace to meet recruitment challenges by making teaching more accessible,…

JL Dutaut
Melanie Renowden

ITT: Which is the odd one out?

The deeply flawed ITT reforms are a threat to sustainable teacher supply for purely ideological purposes, writes David Spendlove

JL Dutaut
David Spendlove



How sitting an exam re-affirmed my respect for our students

I still believe exams to be the best way of testing academic knowledge and understanding but they’re no bagatelle,…

JL Dutaut
James Handscombe

The stereotype that could be feeding exam anxiety

The ‘snowflake’ stereotype is damaging and unjustified, but a more pervasive idea may be perpetuating exam anxiety, says Stephen…

JL Dutaut
Stephen Caldwell

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