Alternative provision

Would-be reformers must give ‘unregistered’ AP a fair hearing

There is a real risk that in bringing ‘unregistered’ AP into the Ofsted fold we will lose some of…

JL Dutaut
Dr Alexandra Gray

Leaders have the power now to re-balance accountability

Awaiting top-down reform of our top-down system is a missed opportunity to take control and show the full breadth…

JL Dutaut
Michael Pain and Alice Gregson

Improving wellbeing hinges on putting the right data into the right hands

New dashboards promise to better inform school leaders and communities about local young people’s wellbeing

JL Dutaut
David Gregson


Seven tips to support autistic students through exam season 

Seven tried-and-tested approaches to help autistic learners achieve their potential and have the best possible experience of exam season

JL Dutaut
Gemma Buley
Religious education

The antidote to extremism is effective Religious Education

Rising social tensions leaking into our schools should be the province of a well-trained workforce of RE teachers, says…

JL Dutaut
Sanjeev Baga

Can we have a better debate about school improvement?

Instead of arguing about which shade of toast is best and who burned it, can we please talk about…

JL Dutaut
Les Walton

Government by expectation is no way to run education

The creep from ‘schools must’ to ‘schools should’ is a sign of a government either unable or unwilling to…

JL Dutaut
Julie McCulloch
Manifesto 2024

Five policies to improve retention (while we await funding)

A new government won’t be able to dodge the issue of pay for long, but there are ways it…

JL Dutaut
Lucy Heller
The Knowledge

How do workforce views differ on pay and conditions?

New data reveals who is most – and least – satisfied with their pay, their workload and the resources…

JL Dutaut
John Jerrim

Must Read

The Knowledge

The Knowledge. How to ensure CPD has classroom impact

Opportunities to recombine learning in novel contexts are just as important as ‘chunking’ professional development in the first place,…

JL Dutaut
Dr Sam Sims and Dr Briony Banks
The Knowledge

The Knowledge. How can we close the political engagement gap?

A new study reveals inequalities in the development of political engagement and offers policies to close the gap

JL Dutaut
Bryony Hoskins

Beyond behaviour: A roadmap to practices for social betterment

A new programme aims to navigate schools out of the dead-end behaviour debate and towards a holistic approach to…

JL Dutaut
Beth Hardie and Charles Drew



Degree apprenticeships are key to increasing and diversifying recruitment

Work to deliver the new qualification should continue at pace to meet recruitment challenges by making teaching more accessible,…

JL Dutaut
Melanie Renowden

ITT: Which is the odd one out?

The deeply flawed ITT reforms are a threat to sustainable teacher supply for purely ideological purposes, writes David Spendlove

JL Dutaut
David Spendlove



How sitting an exam re-affirmed my respect for our students

I still believe exams to be the best way of testing academic knowledge and understanding but they’re no bagatelle,…

JL Dutaut
James Handscombe

The stereotype that could be feeding exam anxiety

The ‘snowflake’ stereotype is damaging and unjustified, but a more pervasive idea may be perpetuating exam anxiety, says Stephen…

JL Dutaut
Stephen Caldwell

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